The Island Bay Race saw four Protests, or Requests for Redress, lodged. The decisions are published on the Documents and Notices page; here is a summary and some lessons/actions for all of us:
Race Committee vs Bullistic – Sail Numbers not visible
- This protest was withdrawn
- The issue has been discussed with Race Officers and within the Sailing Committee
- We are seeking advice from Yachting NZ on national position on this
- In the meantime this article fro
m Scuttlebutt sums up the issues nicely – Sail numbers need contrasting colors
- Actions for boats – Check your Sail Numbers and Boat Name comply with the Racing Rules of Sailing, Safety Regulations and Maritime Rules
After Midnight vs Cantilena – Not completing the proper course
- In simple terms Cantilena did not round Mark 6
- The protest was lodged and Cantilena subsequently withdrew from the race
- Worth noting that radio calls were made about rounding/not rounding the mark and another boat in the fleet went back to complete the proper course
- Reminder to boats – You have an obligation to withdraw if you know you have broken the rules. Failure to do so could be considered unsportsmanlike behaviour or misconduct.
Saucy Sausage vs Wiseguy – Boat on Port Tack not giving way to the boat on Starboard Tack
- Protest was resolved at Arbitration – Wiseguy accepted the penalty
- I recommend you read some of the Case Book on Protests – here
- Case 50 is particularly appropriate – “When the committee finds that S (starboard boat) did change course and that there was reasonable doubt that P (port boat) could have crossed ahead of S if S had not changed course, then P should be disqualified”
Organising Authority on behalf of Frid & Grenadier – Request for Redress
- Frid and Grenadier did not pass between the club and the start mark – scored DNS
- The start mark for the course was laid after scheduled time of the first boat (which did not race) but before Frid and Grenadier started
- The thrust of the query was around how the “Start” of a Pursuit or Mark Foy Race is defined
- The redress was not granted as for each boat of a Pursuit or Mark Foy Race a separate start sequence is run and therefore, the “Start” is defined in relation to that sequence
- Lesson to take away – always check if there is a Start Mark, Finish Mark or Inner Distance Mark