Please accept my sincere thanks for the part you played in making the 2022 CentrePort Youth International Match Racing Championships the success it was.
This type of event is never a small undertaking and there are just so many jobs to be done and so many moving parts.
This year was no different – and with the curve ball(s) that were thrown at us – lets just say – I wondered if it was all going to come together.
But it did – and it was amazing…. From my couch and laptop the only feedback I received from our visitors was what an amazing event we put on.
From those who lent us boats, RIBs and resources, to the officials and race management team on the water – to those who helped out quietly behind the scenes, billeted sailors, fed sailors etc – you made it happen!
There are a few photos of the Team on the water taken by Mel Zytecka here. From Mel : feel free to download them for your enjoyment. Her other photos are here
Deb Williams also got a whole bunch of photos on Saturday – which you can see here.
Media coverage is also important for our profile. There are 2 articles online already:
This coverage is also important for our Sponsor – and we are so grateful for the support of CentrePort – check out their linkedin post – which has had over 1600 clicks.
I will stop rambling now – and finish with what I started with….. two small words….
Thank you
Paul Davies
Chair – Wellington Youth Sailing Trust