Greetings all and Happy New Year
We are running our Racing Crew course, starting on Saturday February 11th and places are still available for booking. This will run over four consecutive Saturdays and will be combined with the Yacht Club racing and socialising, why not also include the odd Rum Race.
I highly recommend Racing Crew to all those who have completed our Learn to Sail course regardless of whether you are into racing or not, as this course will improve your sailing skills more than any other course we run. As a long time racer and cruiser myself I’ve found that having to get a boat around a fixed track is great preparation for the storms and cruising challengers you might face in the future.
Racing Crew is designed to take you to the level of “competent crew on a racing boat”. It is ideal preparation for those wishing to join the Club and crew regularly on member’s boats and is another step down the path of becoming a racing skipper. While completion of our Learn to Sail course isn’t a prerequisite for attending Racing Crew, participants must be at that level and have a handle on basic keelboat sailing concepts.
The other advantage of undertaking a racing course in Wellington is that there are many follow on opportunities available. The majority of the sailing that happens at RPNYC is racing, meaning there is ample opportunity to get out on the water and expand your skills.
But for those who are only interested in cruising we haven’t forgotten you……… We also have a Cruising Crew course, although that has already started you can still join in this Sunday as there are a few places currently available.
Further information and booking are available for both Racing Crew and Cruising Crew on our website.
Our Cruising Skipper Course will be re-booked shortly, f you have any queries feel free to call me in the office on 939 6702 or via email at