The 2019 New Zealand Youth Match Racing Nationals concluded on Saturday after three days of intense racing. With only five teams many round robins were completed. Stanley beat Willson and Gifford beat Grimwade in the semi-finals leaving Stanley and Gifford to battle for first place, whilst Willson and Grimwade battled for third. Both finals were best of three. Gifford took out the regatta beating Stanley 2:1, with Willson beating Grimwade 2:0. The Wellington Youth Sailing Trust would like to express our gratitude to all the volunteers and club officials who
helped make this regatta possible.
1st. Alistair Gifford, Callum Radford, Toby Gregory, Cam Wright
2nd. Albert Stanley, Will Wright, Jonathon Barnett, Wilbur Stanley
3rd. Celia Willson, Charlotte Porter, Amelia Peel, Nicolai Baekgaard
4th. Lachlan Grimwade, Helena Terry, Bryn Bennet, Harvey Linton
5th. Megan Thomson, Ashton Guy, Brad Salthouse, Henry Angus