- #22 - Latitude Race - Courses
The tables below show the courses for the Latitude Race. The distances show the approximate minimum distance a boat would need to sail to complete the course.
This notice will be changed if further entries are received.
You can download the courses here.
Course 1:
Boat Latitude Min. Distance Blink 41° 40.11′ 52.34 nm Satellite Spy 41° 37.64′ 47.39 nm Revs 41° 36.49′ 45.1 nm Young Nicholson 41° 35.69′ 43.49 nm Airship 41° 34.78′ 41.66 nm Testarossa 41° 34.78′ 41.66 nm Prime Mover 41° 34.28′ 40.67 nm Montego Bay III 41° 33.43′ 38.96 nm 88% Proof 41° 33.35′ 38.8 nm Celebrity 41° 33.35′ 38.8 nm Wiseguy 41° 33.35′ 38.8 nm Am Meer 41° 33.22′ 38.54 nm Haumuri 41° 32′ 36.09 nm Wai Aniwa 41° 31.97′ 36.04 nm Illusions 41° 31.32′ 34.74 nm White Cavalier 41° 29.81′ 31.72 nm Course 2:
Boat Latitude Min. Distance Blink 41° 37.49′ 47.11 nm Satellite Spy 41° 35.27′ 42.65 nm Revs 41° 34.24′ 40.59 nm Young Nicholson 41° 33.52′ 39.14 nm Airship 41° 32.7′ 37.5 nm Testarossa 41° 32.7′ 37.5 nm Prime Mover 41° 32.25′ 36.61 nm Montego Bay III 41° 31.48′ 35.06 nm 88% Proof 41° 31.41′ 34.92 nm Celebrity 41° 31.41′ 34.92 nm Wiseguy 41° 31.41′ 34.92 nm Am Meer 41° 31.29′ 34.69 nm Haumuri 41° 30.2′ 32.48 nm Wai Aniwa 41° 30.17′ 32.44 nm Illusions 41° 29.59′ 31.26 nm White Cavalier 41° 28.23′ 28.54 nm Course 3
Boat Latitude Min. Distance Blink 41° 34.88′ 41.87 nm Satellite Spy 41° 32.91′ 37.91 nm Revs 41° 31.99′ 36.08 nm Young Nicholson 41° 31.35′ 34.79 nm Airship 41° 30.62′ 33.33 nm Testarossa 41° 30.62′ 33.33 nm Prime Mover 41° 30.22′ 32.54 nm Montego Bay III 41° 29.54′ 31.16 nm 88% Proof 41° 29.48′ 31.04 nm Celebrity 41° 29.48′ 31.04 nm Wiseguy 41° 29.48′ 31.04 nm Am Meer 41° 29.37′ 30.83 nm Haumuri 41° 28.39′ 28.87 nm Wai Aniwa 41° 28.37′ 28.83 nm Illusions 41° 27.85′ 27.79 nm White Cavalier 41° 26.65′ 25.37 nm Course 4
Boat Latitude Min. Distance Blink 41° 32.27′ 36.64 nm Satellite Spy 41° 30.54′ 33.17 nm Revs 41° 29.74′ 31.57 nm Young Nicholson 41° 29.18′ 30.44 nm Airship 41° 28.54′ 29.16 nm Testarossa 41° 28.54′ 29.16 nm Prime Mover 41° 28.19′ 28.47 nm Montego Bay III 41° 27.59′ 27.27 nm 88% Proof 41° 27.54′ 27.16 nm Celebrity 41° 27.54′ 27.16 nm Wiseguy 41° 27.54′ 27.16 nm Am Meer 41° 27.45′ 26.98 nm Haumuri 41° 26.59′ 25.26 nm Wai Aniwa 41° 26.57′ 25.23 nm Illusions 41° 26.12′ 24.32 nm White Cavalier 41° 25.06′ 22.2 nm Course 5
Boat Latitude Min. Distance Blink 41° 29.66′ 31.4 nm Satellite Spy 41° 28.18′ 28.44 nm Revs 41° 27.49′ 27.06 nm Young Nicholson 41° 27.01′ 26.09 nm Airship 41° 26.46′ 25 nm Testarossa 41° 26.46′ 25 nm Prime Mover 41° 26.16′ 24.4 nm Montego Bay III 41° 25.65′ 23.37 nm 88% Proof 41° 25.6′ 23.28 nm Celebrity 41° 25.6′ 23.28 nm Wiseguy 41° 25.6′ 23.28 nm Am Meer 41° 25.52′ 23.12 nm Haumuri 41° 24.79′ 21.65 nm Wai Aniwa 41° 24.78′ 21.62 nm Illusions 41° 24.39′ 20.84 nm White Cavalier 41° 23.48′ 19.03 nm 13 April 2016
- #21 - Autumn Series 2 April
The start for the Autumn Series Race on 2 April 2016 has been moved from Point Jerningham to RPNYC. The race will have a combined start, but will still be scored in divisions. The scheduled start time for all divisions is 1315.
2 April 2016
- #20 - Island Bay Race 2 start times
The Island Bay Race will run on Saturday 19th November 20156 with a RPNYC start. This is a Pursuit Race, with start times posted below. This race is governed by the current RPNYC Inshore Sailing Instructions and the Notice of Race.
Start Time Boats
10:30 Maranui, Mabel, Penelope
10:40 Charlie, White Cavalier
10:50 Marangi, Marishka
10:55 Rosschild, Saucy Sausage, Tortimony
11:05 Haumuri, Illusions, Revenue Cutter
11:10 Port Nic 1, Port Nic 2, Titus Canby, Wai Aniwa
11:20 After Midnight, Montego Bay
11:25 88% Proof, Brix, Incantare, Whistler III, Wiseguy
11:30 CU, Eat My Shorts, Prime Mover
11:35 Airship, Testarossa
11:45 Badonkadonk, Helter Skelter
11:50 Nedax Racing
11:55 Revs, Magic Trick
12:05 Blink
12:15 St Laurence17 March 2016
- #19 - Kapiti-Ship Cove Race - SI Race Appendix published
The Race Appendix for the Kapiti-Ship Cove Race has been published.
- #18 - Rescheduled races
Bad weather over the weekend of 26-28 February led to the postponement of the Rum Race (Friday), the Two Handed Race (Saturday morning) and Veterans’ Race (Saturday afternoon).
These races have been rescheduled as follows:
- Rum Race: Friday 4 March @ 1830
- Veterans’ Race: Saturday 12 March @ 1315 (in conjunction with the At Home Series race)
- Two-Handed Race: Saturday 2 April @ 1000
29 February 2016
- #17 - Error in calendar
The calendar published is the Almanac contains an error. The calendar for 27 February (page 91) and 5 March (page 92) are incorrect. The Two handed race on 5 March will in fact be raced this Saturday, 27 February.
The summary of races (page 98) and the calendar on the Club website are both correct.
22 February 2016
- #16 - Change to Inshore sailing instructions, addition of inner distance mark on finishing line
New sailing instruction 11.7A:
11.7A An inner distance mark may be laid at any finishing line at which a finishing mark has been laid. When the inner distance mark is laid to starboard of the finishing mark, it shall be passed to starboard either when approaching the finishing line to finish, or after having finished. When the inner distance mark is laid to port of the finishing mark, it shall be passed to port either when approaching the finishing line or after having finished.
This change adds an inner distance mark to the finishing line. The mark is similar to an inner distance mark on a starting line, in that boats must essentially pass between it and the finishing mark. The mark does not form part of the finishing line however.
We anticipate using an inner distance mark during the Regatta Warm-up Series on Saturday 6 February. Please listen to VHF 62 for more information.
The Inshore sailing instructions on the Race Documents page have been updated. The Almanac has not been updated.
5 February 2016
- #15 - Nelson Race - SI Race Appendix published
The Race Appendix for the Nelson Race has been published.
- #14 - Change to start time/location for 12-Dec-2015
Change to racing calendar
The start time for the Alan Martin Series on Saturday 12 December 2015 has been brought forward to 1130hrs. The race will start from the RPNYC start line.
In light of the weather forecast, and having already lost two Alan Martin Series race days already, the Race Committee has changed the start time and location for Saturday 12 December 2015. This change increases the likelihood of being able to start a race safely. This change has been made in consultation with skippers.
11 December 2015
- #13 - Amendment to Inshore NOR and SIs for classic yachts
The Race Committee understands that some of the classic yacht fleet do not have engines and therefore cannot comply with the safety requirements of the NOR and SIs. To accommodate the classic yacht fleet, the requirement for these yachts to have an engine has been removed. However, to mitigate the increased risk of these boats not having an engine, classic yachts will only be able to race without an engine when a support boat is available, and at the sole discretion of the race officer.
For the Classic Yacht Championship Series, classic yachts will race all together or not at all. For all other races, classic yachts with engines will be treated as any other keelboat, with the rule changes only affecting classic yachts without engines.
The Inshore notice of race and the Inshore sailing instructions on the Race Documents page have been updated. The Almanac has not been updated.
Amendments to the NOR:
Add new paragraph 2.3(f):
(f) Despite paragraph 2.3(e), classic yachts may compete without an engine provided that there is a support boat (approved by the Race Officer) available. A decision to approve or not approve a support boat, and any failure by the Race Committee to provide a support boat, will not be grounds for redress. This changes rule 62.1(a).
Amend heading:
The heading before paragraph 2.8 is amended to read “Special rules for E6 class yachts, sports boats, and the classic yachts:”.
Add new paragraph 2.11A:
2.11A Classic yachts may enter and compete at the Race Committee’s discretion. The Race Officer may direct one or more classic yachts not to compete in a given race. A decision to allow or prevent classic yachts to enter or compete will not be grounds for redress. This changes rule 62.1(a).
Amendments to the inshore sailing instructions:
Add new instruction 1.3(f):
(f) Despite instruction 1.3(e), classic yachts may compete without an engine provided that there is a support boat (approved by the Race Officer) available. A decision to approve or not approve a support boat, and any failure by the Race Committee to provide a support boat, will not be grounds for redress. This changes rule 62.1(a).
Amend heading:
The heading before instruction 1.8 is amended to read “Special rules for E6 class yachts, sports boats, and the classic yachts:”.
Add new paragraph 1.13A:
1.13A Classic yachts may enter and compete at the Race Committee’s discretion. The Race Officer may direct one or more classic yachts not to compete in a given race. A decision to allow or prevent classic yachts to enter or compete will not be grounds for redress. This changes rule 62.1(a).
7 December 2015
- #12 - Underwood Race - Postponement
In light of the forecast, the Port Underwood-Ship Cove Race has been postponed. The Offshore Series reserve day (14-May-2016) will be used to conduct a Brothers Islands Race in place of the Port Underwood-Ship Cove Race.
- #11 - Underwood Race - SI Race Appendix published
The Race Appendix for the Port Underwood Race has been published.
- #10 - Amendment to Inshore NOR and SIs
A new paragraph 10.16A (Notice of Race) and instruction 18.16A (sailing instructions) have been added:
For the Island Bay Series:
(a) A yacht’s series score will be the total of her race scores.
(b) A yacht will only receive a series score when if she starts every completed race in the series.The Inshore notice of race and the Inshore sailing instructions on the Race Documents page have been updated. The Almanac has not been updated.
6 November 2015
- #9 - Island Bay Race 1 start times
The Island Bay Race will run on Saturday 7th November 2015, with a RPNYC start. This is a Pursuit Race, with start times posted below.
This race is governed by the current RPNYC Inshore Sailing Instructions and the Notice of Race.
Start Time Boats
11:20 Maranui
11:30 White Cavalier, Settimio
11:40 Marangi, Marishka, Ringleader, Vanquish
11:45 Rosschild, Bavaria, DaVision Belle
11:55 Haumuri, Illusions, Revenue Cutter, Family Affair, Olmari
12:00 Port Nic 1, Port Nic 2, Titus Canby, Wai Aniwa, Definat
12:10 After Midnight, Excel, Montego Bay
12:15 88% Proof, Brix, Incantare, Whistler III, Wiseguy, Heatwave, Findhorn, Hon Fleur
12:20 CU, Eat My Shorts, Prime Mover, Acquiesce, Free Rein, Joint Effort, Sirrah, Berocca, Beviamo, Khamsin, Bon Chanse
12:25 Airship, Testarossa, Rapport, Ezee, Flying Fox, Nefertiti
12:30 Oldsmobile, Flying Tiger, Zenith, Jungle
12:35 Helter Skelter, The Guarantee
12:45 Revs, Satellite Spy, Squealer, Paradigm, Northern Rebel, Voila, Midnight
12:50 Wedgetail
12:55 Blink
13:05 St Laurence5 November 2015 (updated 7-Nov-15 by adding Wine Race boats)
- #8 - Brothers Race - SI Race Appendix published
The Race Appendix for the Brothers Race has been published.
- #7 - Amendment to Offshore Series Sailing Instructions
Instruction 1.11(g) (relating to tracking) has been removed and replaced with a new instruction 13A.
- Offshore Series Sailing Instructions (updated 30 October 2015)
The sailing instructions have been updated to provide for the use of the PredictWind GPS tracking service.
30 October 2015
- #6 - Rescheduling of Twilight Series race 2
The Twilight Series race on 21 October 2015 was postponed due to bad weather. This race will now be run on Wednesday 28 October 2015, with the warning signal at 1825, and the start at 1830. The normal Twilight Series schedule will return on 4 November 2015.
- #5 - Race results republished
After months of work, we have finally rolled out an all new results production system. Campbell Fleury and Phil Bishop have designed and built the system from the ground up, and reports from volunteers are that the system is much quicker and easier to use than the systems used in the past. You may have noticed results being available much earlier this season…
However, we have had some difficulty with adjusting handicaps between races, and as a result the race results published to date have all used the same handicaps. We have now overcome this issue, and updated results (with the correct handicaps) have now been published on the club website.
You can find the updated 2015-16 season results here, or go directly to individual races:
- Opening Day
- Ambassadors’ Trophy
- Spring Series – Race 1
- Spring Series – Race 2
- Spring Series – Race 3
- Spring Series – Race 4
- Spring Series – Race 5
- Two-Handed Series – Race 1
16 October 2015 (edited 30-Oct-15).
- #4 - Update to course list
Due to a printing error, the inshore courses published in the 2015-16 Almanac were incorrect.
We have amended the downloadable versions of the almanac and republished them.
- 2015-16 Almanac (amended 8-Oct-2015)
- Almanac extract (inshore) (amended 8-Oct-2015)
The “Courses and marks – suitable for laminating” has always been, and remains, correct. You can safely rely on this document.
8 October 2015
- #3 - Rescheduling of Twilight Series race
The Twilight Series race on 7 October 2015 was postponed due to bad weather. This race will now be run on Wednesday 14 October 2015, with the warning signal at 1825, and the start at 1830. The normal Twilight Series schedule will return on 14 October 2015.
8 October 2015
- #2 - Divisional split
The divisional split, and starting divisional championship handicaps for the 2015-16 season are:
Boat name TCF Badonkadonk 0.837 Blink 0.956 Helter Skelter 0.85 Magic Trick 0.89 Revs 0.883 St Laurence 1.010 Structural Analysis 0.771 The Guarantee 0.835 Wedgetail 0.953 Updated on 29-Sep-2015 by adding a starting handicap for St Laurence.
Boat name TCF After Midnight 0.736 Airship 0.755 Brix 0.687 CU 0.728 Eat My Shorts 0.737 Floating Free 0.721 Gucci 0.748 Incantare 0.688 La Quintessence 0.701 Montego Bay III 0.739 Prime Mover 0.752 Stepping Stone 0.732 Testarossa 0.785 Whistler III 0.730 Wiseguy 0.699 Edited on 6 October 2010 to remove duplicate “Port Nic 2” entry from Division 2.
Boat name TCF Blurred Image 0.681 Charlie 0.581 Haumuri 0.631 Illusions 0.656 Marangi 0.618 Maranui 0.544 Marishka 0.595 Port Nic 1 0.674 Port Nic 2 0.674 Revenue Cutter 0.634 Rosschild 0.639 Saffron 0.679 Saucy Sausage 0.634 Titus Canby 0.700 Tortimony 0.619 Wai Aniwa 0.678 White Cavalier 0.551 Edited on 6 October 2010 to remove duplicate “Port Nic 2” entry from Division 2.
26 September 2015
- #1 - Position of laid marks
The following permanent marks have been laid:
# Name Latitude Longitude 4 Ngauranga Buoy 41° 15.50 174° 48.40 5 Somes Island Bouy 41° 15.61 174° 51.18 10 Falcon Shoal Buoy 41° 18.15 174° 50.97 11 Korokoro Buoy 41° 14.38 174° 51.03 Mark 16 (Horokiwi Buoy) is normally a laid buoy. For now, this mark will be laid when required using an orange cylindrical buoy. The position may be broadcast on VHF channel 62. The permanent mark is likely to be laid again in the future. A further notice to competitors will be published if this occurs.
25 September 2015
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