Useful tricks, tips and resources

Here we collate information for you to use, refer to and share with others!

Thank you Waikawa BC for sharing some of these tips! 

If you have any suggestions, experience or comments regarding the content below, please email

We are running our next Regatta under the Sailors for the Sea Clean Regattas approach. Here’s a short overview page for your information: Programme Overview.

Here’s a snippet of the practices that can be implemented. We will select 60-70% of them and will keep you informed via updates online and during the Regatta. If you are willing to help out, please get in touch and contact – join the Green team, we appreciate your support!

And here’s what we, with your help, are working on:

  • Green Team: We’ve asked, and are still asking, for Volunteers to help with the above activities and to support our Club’s vision. If you can help and join the Green Team, please contact, or have a chat with Paul or Conny.

  • Toxins: By now know all about the ocean- and reef-safe sunscreen options. Make sure you have plenty available for the Regatta. See details further below on this page.

  • Green Boating: Check out the Green Boating and the Non-Toxic cleaner sections on this page.

  • Environmental StewardAssign one of your crew members the ‘Environmental Steward’ (e-Steward) position, and get them to ensure your crew is more environmentally friendly than before, and ask them to document your efforts on how you contribute to the Clean Regatta.

  • – Conduct boat maintenance, especially sanding or bottom scrubbing, in the Slip areas in Chaffers, Evans Bay or Seaview.

  • – If you have any parts, sails or other sailing equipment you no longer use, get in touch with the Social Committee and we can schedule another Swap Evening.

  • – Use AQ bags (see section on this page) to recycle your unused/damaged sails.

    – If you haven’t done so yet, sign up to the Sailors for the Sea Green Boater Community where you’ll get lots of great information and support to reduce your on- and off-the-water footprint.

    Snack options & packaging & Water bottles 

    • Ditch the single-use water bottles and ask your crew to bring their own, reusable ones. 
      The Club provides a tap outside and free water at the Bar where you can refill the bottles. 

    • Bring reusable shopping bags and reuse ziploc bags for lollies and nuts (even to go shopping). 

    • Pack food in reusable containers, beeswax wrappers or silicone bags. No one wants a soggy sandwich or sticky airplanes! 

    • For course sheets etc, we recommend using a display/clear book, and reusing this throughout the season. 

    – Recycling & composting: You will see our Club Recycling and Compost bins in prominent action during the Regatta – please make use of them in the appropriate way! Especially compost-wise we want to ensure we only add in there what’s on the signs. We are planning to use the services of, a Newtown-based composting organisation who makes a difference. Check it out!  

    • Please use our recycling, rubbish and compost bins appropriately. If you’re not sure, just ask! 

    • Maybe you don’t have compost at home but always end up with some food waste. If that’s you, check out, they could be just what you need! 

    • At dinner, just put on your plate what you want and will eat, no one will go hungry 🙂 

    • Join the Regatta WhatsApp Group and organise your carpool over the Regatta-weekend. And beyond… 

    – We also encourage you to organise car-pooling where possible, and suggest coordinating your rides via the RPNYC Regatta WhatsApp Group.

    Five Reasons… The Regatta committee as well as Port Nic overall have committed to run this years’ Regatta under the Sailors for the Sea Clean Regattas approach. Why are we doing that? It’s really simple: we want to protect the environment we use as our playground – our oceans – by lowering our impact on them! Read about 5 Reasons to be thankful for our oceans further down below

Plastics are synthetic materials made from polymers (very long-chain molecules) originally derived from fossil fuels. They are designed to be chemically stable and inert – so the same properties which make them incredibly useful also mean they do not bio-degrade in the natural environment. Rather, they just physically break down into smaller and smaller pieces. Microplastic debris (particles smaller than 5mm) is a persistent and widespread issue in marine ecosystems, and a growing part of the marine food chain.

In this part of the world, Lisa Blair’s recent (2022) record-breaking sail around Antarctica also
produced the most comprehensive microplastics dataset for the region. In partnership with marine science organisations, this brilliant example of “citizen science” resulted in the first near-continuous microplastics survey in Southern Ocean waters. A total of 178 seawater samples were continuously collected with 83 processed and analysed.

The data confirmed that, like other oceans, the Southern Ocean is broadly contaminated with microplastics – regardless of proximity to land sources. Polyethylene-based polymers were the most predominant (46%), followed by polyester-based items (24%). Various other polymers such as polypropylene, nylon, pvc, polystyrene and polyurethane rubber were also present.

Virtually all the microplastics found were secondary items, i.e. originating from the breakdown of larger plastic debris. Interestingly, fibres (64.8%) were more abundant than fragments. The link is with laundry where every 2.5kg load typically produces over 300 microplastic fibres which are not retained in the machine.

Where does it come from? Data from the USA suggests microplastics derive mostly (in decreasing order) from synthetic textiles (35%), tyres, urban dust and run off, road markings, marine coatings (4%), personal products, plastic pellets (<1%) and many other sources.

Suggested actions to minimise your contribution

  • • Reducing microplastic fibres by buying clothing from natural materials and installing a filter on your washing machine.
  • • Reduce, refill, repurpose.
    •     – plastic containers were designed to last forever!
  • • According to Sailors For The Sea, eliminating single-use plastic at the source is the most impactful thing we can do.
    •     – we all make decisions as consumers and may also have opportunities to support policies that will reduce plastic production
  • • Given the amount of vehicle or road-derived microplastic debris, driving less would have a positive impact.
  • • And of course, be mindful of plastic pollution in the streets and waterways – most city drains flow untreated direct to the sea.


From old life jackets, to unwanted paint and diesel, engine parts, cans, and bottles – we boaties can generate our fair share of waste.

100,000 tonnes of rubbish goes to the Southern Landfill alone every year, and the Council is in the process of extending the site to cope with future demand. But there is a finite amount of land available, and many products simply do not break down. As our population continues to grow, what each and every one of us does with our rubbish matters. 

The old mantra of reduce, reuse, recycle (in that order) is good advice. If we can limit the amount we buy in the first place and find different uses or owners before throwing something away, it makes a difference.

When it comes to disposing of things and recycling, there are some tips to follow.

  • – Paint and empty paint containers need to go to the hazardous waste section of the landfill. 
  • – Never put paint, solvents or liquid waste into stormwater drains. The stormwater system flows without treatment into streams and the sea. These liquids harm our oceans. 
  • – Only plastics with the recycling symbol and numbers 1, 2 or 5 can be recycled.
  • – It can’t be recycled if it is waxed or foil-backed, has plastic or food on it, or if it is smaller than a postcard
  • – Items to be recycled need to be clean, not squashed (that includes beer cans) and have lids, pumps and triggers removed.
  • – You can’t recycle things like bubble wrap, tin foil, bottle tops or screw caps
  • – Your old sails can be remade into bags! See further below under ‘Upcycle your old sails’.

You can find out more on the Council website.

This guide is a comprehensive booklet provided by the Sailors for the Sea Organisation.

Check out their website resources here: SfS – Green Boating guide – content listed below (click on the headings to get to the details).
Note that some of the information may not apply in NZ, and we’re keen to hear about your experiences and tips & tricks, so please do share your feedback via Thank you!

Repurpose Gear
What do you do with boating gear that has been outgrown or has reached its end life? There are many different ways to reuse or upcycle items to help reduce waste that may otherwise end up in the landfill or our oceans.

General Maintenance
Proactively managing your vessel reduces harmful environmental impacts, and also extends the life of your engine and boat.

Greening Your Galley
Learn how to set up and provision your galley to be more efficient and environmentally friendly.

Carbon Footprint
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide) produced directly or indirectly by our activities and lifestyle. Learn how to calculate your boat’s carbon footprint, and ways to reduce and/or offset your impact.
Engine Maintenance
Routine maintenance will ensure that your local waterways are protected and your engine is performing properly.
Reduce Fuel Usage
How you maintain and drive your vessel has a large of effect on how much fuel you use – and how much money you can save!

Renewable Energy
Sun, wind and water – all things we love as boaters – can also be a source of energy to help power our boats. Discover which technologies work best for your vessel.

Choosing the right battery for your boat and performing routine maintenance will ensure the optimal lifespan of your battery and will save you money.

Marine debris not only harms important habitats and wildlife, but also can cause damage to your boat. Prevent waste from entering our waterways by reducing plastic onboard.

Bilge Maintenance
Prevent oils and other toxic chemicals from sneaking into the ocean by inspecting and maintaining your bilge.

Do you know what to do if you spill oil or fuel into the water? Learn the steps to take in case of a spill and how to prevent it from spreading.

Filling up fuel tanks is one of the most common ways that we unintentionally pollute our waters. However, with care, boaters can take steps to mitigate the risk of accidently spilling oil or fuel.

Head over to our internal section for more information.

Untreated water from your onboard sinks and showers, and the wastewater from cleaning your boat with detergents is a major polluter of the marine environment. Learn how to prevent graywater from impacting your local waters and wildlife.

Sewage discharge from marine heads can cause significant damage to surrounding waters. Discover different ways to manage blackwater on your vessel and what regulations you may need to follow.

Vacation Carbon Footprint
While preparing for or on vacation, there are many choices you can make to reduce your carbon footprint and impact on the environment.
Learn proper anchoring techniques to prevent damage to important ecosystems including coral reefs, seagrass and shellfish beds.
Prop Scar Prevention
Help prevent damage to seagrass beds by taking proper precautions while navigating shallow waters.

Observe responsible fishing practices to lessen your impact on fish populations and the surrounding aquatic environment.

Ensure that you have a memorable experience without disturbing marine wildlife by following a few simple guidelines.

Invasive Species Prevention
Boaters can take simple precautions to prevent non-native plants and animals from spreading and causing harm to new habitats and native species.

Many boats use copper-based bottom paints, which can harm aquatic wildlife. Learn about eco-friendly alternatives that will not only lessen your boat’s environmental impact, but may also save you money!

Outboard Engines
Outboard engines have come a long way – learn about types motors that are both clean and cost effective to operate.

This renewable, non-toxic, clean-burning fuel can be a great alternative to conventional diesel – and requires very few (if any) modifications for switching over.

Sustainable Seafood
Learn how to determine if the fish you are about to eat is sustainable.

Spring Preparation
Get your boat ready to launch, while being green doing it. Learn simple tips that will make a difference for your waterways.

Winterizing Your Boat
Properly storing your boat for the winter will ensure that you protect the environment and are ready for on-the-water fun come springtime!

Slip, slop and slap is important for us sailors, especially in the height of summer (yes, even in Welli it can get hot)! But all year round it’s important to protect our skin while we’re out on the water.

We can also protect the waters we’re  sailing/swimming/kayaking/… in by using ocean- and reef-safe sunscreen.

Most sunscreens contain oxybenzone and octinoxate amongst other harmful ingredients, and these cause damage to our marine ecosystems.

We have reviewed options for ‘reef-safe’ sunscreens (Hawaii Reef bill; these do not contain oxybenzone and octinoxate) and have listed a number of them below so you can get them for the next sailing outing.

NZ made:

Goodbye – made by passionate sailing supporters and provided in reusable and recyclable packaging. Bonus: As a Yachting NZ member, you get 15% off by using the code ‘CleanOcean’!
Smidge Sunscreen (formerly Seasick Sunscreen)
– Skinnies
Frankie Apothecary
My Sunshine
– The Sol and Sea

Other brands:


Note that even the above listed sunscreens contain other ingredients that are harmful for the environment – but they are still a better option than the ones not passing the reef-safe requirements. And with more conscious consumption, we can all make a small difference and influence providers in the longer term.

 Thank you for supporting the Clean Club initiative, the environment and maybe even NZ businesses by choosing products more considerate!

Non-Toxic Cleaners

Many cleaning products contain phosphates and other chemicals that are toxic to aquatic ecosystems. Besides regularly rinsing your boat with freshwater, research your cleaners and consider using less harmful household products. Some examples:
  • Decks – scrub with a mixture of one part white vinegar and eight parts warm water.
  • Stainless steel – wipe with a cloth dipped in undiluted white vinegar.
  • Fiberglass Stains – make a paste of baking soda and water. Use a sponge or soft cloth & gently rub the mix into the stain. This paste can also be used to clean onboard showers and heads. While baking soda is an excellent all-around cleaner, keep in mind that it is abrasive, so use with care. Use lemon or lime juice as a final wipe-down for a shiny, fresh-smelling finish.
  • Mildew – for stubborn mildew stains on canvas or other cloth surfaces, mix together one part lemon juice & one part salt. Scrub the mixture onto the stain, rinse thoroughly & dry outside.
  • Aluminium – using a soft cloth, clean with a solution of cream of tartar and water (but not baking soda which can oxidise aluminium).
  • Plastic Surfaces – use a mixture of one part white vinegar and two parts warm water
  • Boat, Sails, Lifejacket cleaners – Check out the information from the ‘Sailors for the Sea’ organisation: Non-Toxic Cleaning Products and their eco-friendly and homemade boat cleaners 
Have you recently shredded one of your sails, or are you upgrading your existing ones and don’t know what to do with the old ones?
Here’s an idea: Get it made into bags by Upcycled Sail Bags – AQ Bags.
Lyndal is giving your old sails a second life and turns them into great bags. And who knows, you might get a good deal from Brett Linton for a new one 🙂 And she might return your donation with a nice sail bag for you (depending on the size and state of the sail), and even your crew can get a 10% discount, if they want to have a bag made out of the sail that they have been using – how great!

Many of the popular places to go boating are also reserves or protected coastlines with strict rules around dog access and control in order to protect wildlife. While pet dogs seem harmless to many owners, they are unfortunately responsible for many kiwi deaths every year, along with those of penguins, dotterel and other coastal species.

Here’s what you can do to help keep your dog and wildlife safe around beaches.

  • Part of being a responsible dog owner means keeping your pet always under your control. The easiest way to do this is to always walk them on a lead – like the ‘Lead the Way’ leads. 
  • If you do let them off their lead, make sure you can confidently recall your dog. Especially in the event of a distraction like another dog a sleepy seal or a nesting dotterel.
Where to go on beaches:
  • Walk on the wet sand first hand

A lot of our coastal species rest or nest in the sand dunes, or driftwood high on the beach. Walk your dog on the wet sand and you’ll be more likely to avoid any sensitive shorebird nesting areas or a slumbering sea lion/pakake.

  • Feet on sand – lead in hand

It’s a legal requirement to have your lead with you in public. Even if you’re exercising in an off-lead area, have it handy in case you need close control while you walk past a distraction.

  • Keep 20 meters away from coastal creatures

If you see some wildlife up ahead, put your lead on your dog and pass at least 20 meters away from the wildlife. This will help keep your dog and the wildlife safe.

There are several things in our environment that are toxic to dogs, from the food in our kitchen to the plants in our gardens. There are also things at the beach to watch out for including:

– toxic algae
puffer fish
– sea slugs, and
– blue bottles that may have washed ashore.

  • Even ingesting too much sand or salt water in a game of ‘catch’ can be dangerous to their health.

Check out DOC’s Dogs on beaches website for more details: Dogs on beaches ( 

Lead the way: Our work ( The website leads you to a quiz checking whether you know your basics. 

Taken from

The ocean is a place of beauty, adventure and wonder. It is also vital to our survival. Without the ocean, life would not be possible. Here are 5 reasons that we are grateful for our seas. 


1. Generates half of the oxygen we breathe

Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria all create oxygen through photosynthesis. In the top 200 meters (656 feet) of the water column, about as far as sunlight can travel through water to power photosynthesis, we find all types of photosynthetic marine organisms – from tiny phytoplankton to seagrass and kelp. Scientists estimate that roughly 50% of the oxygen produced on Earth comes from the ocean.  

2. Regulates our climate and weather systems

The ocean absorbs and stores large amounts of heat from the sun, which helps moderate global temperatures, keeping our planet habitable. It also impacts weather patterns by transporting warm water and precipitation around the globe. As the Earth’s largest active carbon sink, the ocean is a crucial climate regulator. Over the last several decades, the ocean has absorbed approximately 30% of the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels, which helps reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Through these interconnected processes, the ocean helps regulate our global climate and regional weather patterns. 

3. Supports biodiversity

Covering more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, the ocean is home to diverse, unique ecosystems and a staggering amount of biodiversity. Life in the ocean ranges in size from the smallest living things, microbes, to the largest animal on the planet, blue whales. Protecting marine biodiversity is critical because it ensures that our oceans are healthy, productive, and resilient. 

4. Provides sustenance and supports livelihoods

Over 740 million people depend on ocean fisheries for food, livelihoods, or both. Many local fish populations are now in decline because of illegal and destructive fishing, limited management capacity, and warming oceans. When the oceans are protected and marine resources are responsibly managed, those fisheries produce wild food that is climate-smart and nutritious. 

5. Offers a source of adventure

Connection to the ocean often brings people a sense of joy, awe, and solace. From witnessing the beauty of coral reef ecosystems while diving to seeing a whale breach while sailing the open sea, the ocean is a magical, inspiring place.

The ocean gives us so much. It’s up to us to protect this precious resource.  And together, we can do it. Sailors for the Sea is tackling the threats facing our oceans every day by empowering sailors and boaters to take action. Join our community of Green Boaters to learn how you can make a difference for our seas.