Browsing: Inshore

A mill pond greeted the first boats leaving their berths to start the Island Bay race on Saturday morning so the race management team postponed the first starts to wait for the southerly to build. After a few more delays and a Shalimar weather report from the harbour entrance the wise race management team set a special course to Moaning Minnie and back with a combined start at 1200hrs.

Saturday’s RPNYC Classic Championship race got away on time at 12:00 with three entrants: Lizzie, Mabel and Galatea. Mabel got off to a great start across the line on a lifting starboard tack to lay the first mark but got into trouble when her course was spoiled by another vessel on port not giving way. She lay luffing for some time before again finding clear air, allowing Lizzie and Galatea to get well ahead.

The Island Bay race was a ripper with a “gentle” southerly that dropped from 25 to around 8 knots over the day providing tight reaching conditions along the south coast and a great kite run to Number 11 at Korokoro. Swells up to three metres at the entrance combined with an in-coming ferry and out-going tanker just added a little spice to what proved an excellent day for the fleet.