Spring is just around the corner and places are filling fast on the courses we have running between now and Christmas. Although it’s been a fantastic winter at Wellington Ocean Sports with plenty of activity, we are looking forward to some settled warmer weather. I’m really pleased to announce that we have finally replaced our leaky roof!!! So no more bucket in the middle of the classroom on rainy days. The roof replacement marks the start of a general building refurbishment that will included a new ceiling, weatherboard replacement, new front door, kitchen unit and floor coverings, as funding allows. There will also be a Club working bee to help move things forward.
As well as a number a number of new practical courses that are up on the website there are a few theory courses running prior to the change of seasons. Take a look through the opportunities we have for you to get involved.
Coastal Medic
Our last Coastal Medic course for the year is running this weekend and there are still places available for booking.
This course offers participants the qualification of “Coastguard Boating Education Service Marine Medic” (Coastal), NZQA units 6400, 6401, 6402 and Maritime New Zealand commercial first aid. It is a prerequisite for attendance on the Offshore Medic course and should also be a priority for anyone involved in ocean sports. As well as its marine applications, this course exceeds the Health and Safety requirements of “two day workplace first aid”, so it has many commercial usages.
Topics covered include –
- Â Trauma Identification and Assessment
- Medical Emergencies
- Evacuation and Medical Assistance
- Casualty Resuscitation – including an introduction to Defibrillation
- Managing Shock
- Treating Internal & External Bleeding
- Managing Torso Injuries
- Managing Burns Emergencies
- Managing Fractures
- Managing Soft Tissue Injuries
- Head, Neck, Spinal Injury Stabilisation
- Managing Environmental Injuries
- Managing Minor Wounds
- Managing Minor Ear and Eye Injuries
VHF Radio Operator
Wellington Ocean Sports last VHF Radio Operator course for the year is running on Monday and Wednesday evenings next week from 5.30 to 8.30pm and there are still several places available for booking. This 6-hour, theory-only course including exam, provides the necessary knowledge required to obtain the “Marine VHF Operator Qualification”.
This is the minimum qualification required for anyone to legally operate a fixed or hand-held marine VHF Radio. We recommend adding on the MROC qualification, which is only an extra half hour, allowing you to operate HF SSB long range radio equipment.
For those wanting to formalise their boating education and move to the next level Boatmaster is for you. The Boatmaster course is a 30-hour, theory-only course providing in-depth knowledge of all aspects of boating safety. Whilst this is an excellent stand-alone course, the Boatmaster course is also a pre-requisite for the ‘Coastal Skipper’ course.
Our next Boatmaster course commences on Monday 12 October and runs over Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5.30 to 8.30pm
Racing Crew
Our next Racing Crew course commences on Saturday 12 September. The course will compete in at least two races in the RPNYC Spring Series including the Opening Day Race on 19 September. I highly recommend Racing Crew to all those who have completed our Learn to Sail course regardless of whether you are into racing or not, as this course will improve your sailing skills more than any other course we run.
Racing Crew is designed to take you to the level of “competent crew on a racing boat”. It is ideal preparation for those wishing to join the Club and crew regularly on member’s boats and is another step down the path of becoming a racing skipper. While completion of our Learn to Sail course isn’t a prerequisite for attending Racing Crew, participants must be at that level and have a handle on basic keelboat sailing concepts.
Racing Skipper
The Racing Skipper course follows on from the Racing Crew course. Participants will consolidate all the skills they have learnt through the Racing Crew course and elevate you to the level of “competent skipper on a race boat”. The next course is running alongside Racing Crew and commencing on Saturday 12 September.
This course is equivalent to a Level 3 Yachting New Zealand racing course. It will provide you with all the skills required to take a greater role in the decision making on a racing boat, and give you the confidence to lead a team through a yacht race. The course will focus on:
• Continue to improve boat handling
• Improve racing skills
• Exploring tactical aspects of racing
• Teamwork and communication in pressure situations
• Looking at the bigger picture of a yacht race
Cruising Crew
For those wanting to get involved in the wonderful world of cruising our next cruising crew course is commencing on Sunday 4 October. Cruising Crew follows on from the Learn to Sail Keelboats course and provides an opportunity to consolidate and build on your knowledge and skills. It also allows you to develop seamanship skills and covers navigation, weather, rules of the road and includes a night sail. Cruising Crew leads on to the very popular Cruising Skipper course.
Opening Day Race
The Opening of the 133rd season is being held on Saturday 19 September and it’s going to be a huge day!!! Both of the Wellington Ocean Sports boats will be racing and one of these is available as a casual sail. We still have a several places available, so get in quick to book your place.
Learn to sail
It all begins with the learn to sail course. Over the years we have had some fantastic learn to sail courses during the winter, our Musto wet weather gear will protect you from the elements and learning to sail at this time of the year means you are all set to take up follow on opportunities such as crewing on members boats, casual sails and further courses come spring.
Our next learn to sail course is commencing on Sunday 6 September and there are several places available for booking. The course runs over four consecutive Sunday from 9.00am to 4.30pm, everything you need is provided and no experience is necessary.
For those that have already completed our learn to sail course please consider taking advantage of this offer by passing on details of the course to friends or family that haven’t. Past students are our best advert and often the catalyst to new people getting involved in the sport. We would also like to offer a complementary casual sail to any grad that gets a friend to sign up to a learn to sail course.
Cruising Skipper
Our next Cruising Skipper course for the season is being held the weekend of 13 to 15 November. This Marlborough Sounds based course will see you progress to be “competent skipper on a cruising boat”. So take the next step now, and continue the journey to running your own cruising experience. The Marlborough Sounds are a fantastic part of the country to explore and we have an undertaking from Compass Charters, that they will charter to anyone that has completed our Cruising Skipper course.
Further information and booking are available for all the courses we offer on our website
Grad Casual Sailing
The general public can hire the Wellington Ocean Sports boats out at $233 per hour plus gst. We do however offer the boats to those who have completed our learn to sail course at $125 per hour. So get a group together and book some time out on the water. There is always an instructor on board so it’s essentially like an additional session on one of our courses. You can hire the boats anytime they are available for either cruising or any of the RPNYC races.
Yacht Club Membership and Crewing on Members Boats
The RPNYC Board, members and boat owners are keen to do all they can to make you feel welcome and included at the Club and in Club activities. We encourage you to join the Club at the end of your course for $110, and will also sign you in as visitor during your course.
The Board have asked me to invite you all to attend the skippers briefing on Wednesday evening 9 September and also when rum races start (end of Oct) regardless of your membership status.
We also encourage you to join the RPNYC Crew Facebook group so you will be kept up to date with crewing opportunities and Club activity https://www.facebook.com/groups/218294548227999/ . If you have any problems with joining the skippers and crew page you can email sailing@rpnyc.org.nz and Nicci Wood can assist.
Other Opportunities
Our School Holiday Programme continues to be popular. The next programme commences the week of 28 September. Book now to avoid disappointment!!
Harbour Sails are a great way to introduce friends and family to the sport of sailing. They are run weekly on Fridays and Saturdays at 2.00pm. At only $40 per person for an hour and half on the water Harbour Sails are also a fantastic corporate team building or family sail option.
If you have any queries feel free to call me in the office on 939 6702 or via email at ocean@rpnyc.org.nz