Its been a couple of weeks since the last update and progress has been measured. Unlike the awesome NZ swimmers, we are not breaking any records but we are moving steadily towards our goal.
Some might say: “Direction is so much more important than speed because many are going nowhere fast”.  But not me. Just wanna get it done.
The wall linings in the lobby outside the accessible toilet have been completed as well as the notice board wall in the wardroom. Plastering of the bathrooms has been held up but is now in full swing and looking good.
Portal – The legs are on and have been bolted to the new concrete slab. Fixing of the portal underneath the Coenes floor is happening this week with some extra bracing requirements being put in place. Its quite an impressive piece of kit when viewed up close and it’s a welcome addition to the building. It gives that extra level of comfort for when we experience the next jiggle here in the shaky isles.
Repairing the wardroom flooring which was cut and away and exposed underneath the portal has begun with bearers being bolted down in preparation for new joists.
The internal doors are finished and will be hung next week for crimes unknown.
Push, Push, keep moving…..