He’s sailed a lot of offshore miles and more inshore races than you can count – been part of successful crews, in particular sailing with John Meade on his Young 88 Skitzo, then something a little larger – Ran Tan – as well as enjoying the joys – and tribulations – of yacht ownership with Esprit.
From sailing with the guns to getting our season off with a bang, we only see a portion of what Jim does for our club. He keeps our support boats fuelled, and will always put his hand up to help out – whether it’s driving mark boats, running our inshore racing – or getting up at ungodly hours to get our offshore fleets safely away, and keeping a watchful eye on them until they arrive safely at their destination.
Always thinking about courses that will provide the best experiences for our sailors, he’s someone I’ve always enjoyed debating with the relative merits of course choices, and he will usually throw something in that keeps the fleet on their toes.
Clubs cannot thrive without people like our volunteer of the year, Jim Gordon.
Shayne Priddle, Vice Commodore