Ten years ago Gordie bought Not Guilty, a Ross 40 that had been moored against the wall in Clyde Quay Boat Harbour for several years. The water inside was well over the floorboards, and the whole interior was black with mold.
The hull was sound, and Gordie set about waterproofing the topsides by replacing sections of deck and redoing the hull the hull-to-deck join. All topsides were re-glassed.
A couple of years after that she came out of the water onto the hard at Evans Bay, so that Gordie could scrape, sand, and recoat the entire boat. She had 2 coats of epoxy topside, and 4 under the hull. Gordie then rebuilt the interior, replaced the motor, and rewired the whole boat.
When Juliet met Gordie he said the boat would be in the water by Christmas. That was 2021. Apparently, he’d been saying that for a few Christmases. Juliet figured Gordie might need a bit of help. So, she began helping with sanding, glassing and painting. Since mid-October 2022 it’s been a race to get her in the water for………. Christmas. Missed again!

Renamed Mātātoa (Adventurer), she finally made it into the water on 1st January, a great start to New Year 2023. The ceremony was a bit minimal, attended by the few friends who managed to find out what Gordie and Juliet were up to, and whoever was in the yard at the time. It took a fair few swings to smash the champagne bottle, before motoring down to the marina in a brisk chilly southerly.
On 2nd January Mātātoa set off to cross Cook Strait. The main was hoisted at the entrance to Evans Bay and she left Kau Bay at 1410 under main and motor in a 15 knot sou-easterly. She arrived at Tory entrance by 1810 and made it to Ahitarakihi Bay just in time for a rather tired and cold Juliet and Gordie to be spotted by friends and invited in for a welcoming supper.
Mātātoa has now been transformed from a dusty workshop and building site into a clean boat and home. There’s still plenty to do, but it’s great to be on the water at last!