In October 2020, I bought Steve an Ocean Sports Learn to Sail voucher for his birthday. He then jumped on the Rum Racing with the Zimmerframe Racing Team and eventually joining them for most other series as well. I joined a couple of races and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Then came the nights (every night) of him showing me pictures of boats on Trademe. Although knowing nothing about boats, I must admit one boat he showed me piqued my interest. Next thing we were both in Auckland, sailing around the Auckland harbour with Brian Trubovich, previous owner of ZigZag Fullstop (ZigZag). After a few beers and a handshake, we bought ZigZag and took her to her new home in Wellington.
Our weekends have never been the same since!
We are now into our 2nd season of Rum Racing, with a bit more ambition than last year. Rum Racing is great for work stress wind down at the end of the week and provides a great platform for grads and incorporating other series like we have this year with the Women’s Helm.
Don’t be surprised when you see 18 people aboard a boat and the odd champagne being poured around, it is a social series after all!
Angela Llauder (co-skipper, ZigZag)