Nearly there people… The weather is on the improve and things are nearly finished in the wardroom. We are still on track for a 30th of September completion date and to be ready for opening day on the 9th of October. Partitions were received so toilet privacy will prevail after all. There are 2 bathroom sinks missing for the next month or so as these are caught up in the deepest, darkest recesses of Auckland somewhere. But its going to be OK…. The words of the week have been highlighted below. Painting, touch ups, painting and finishing, fitting, adjusting,…
Author: Jason Reid
It’s been a while… Covid Schmovid…..Enough said. The project completion date has now been pushed out to the end of September for obvious reasons. The end is nigh and with a fair wind we should be ready for opening day. The fun parts have begun now. Fitting the new gear and finishing stuff. The plumbers have begun the installation of the bathroom fittings today with this set to continue into next week. Installation of architraves, skirtings, doors, dado etc has also begun in earnest. The final bracing of the eastern wall and lining should be completed by the end of…
Friday the 13th. Bad luck for some. But with an upcoming weekend including Beervana, Wellington on a plate, test rugby and a wardroom renovation project gaining momentum – how can there be anything but glad tidings and good luck?  We just need some sailing thrown in. The portal has been braced, tweaked, lined, blocked, and fitted with a new diaphragm to spread the load outwards. Phew! It even breaths now. Talk about rock star treatment for a piece of steel. The wardroom floor around the portal has been reinstated in readiness for carpet next week. The old wardroom carpet…
Its been a couple of weeks since the last update and progress has been measured. Unlike the awesome NZ swimmers, we are not breaking any records but we are moving steadily towards our goal. Some might say: “Direction is so much more important than speed because many are going nowhere fast”.  But not me. Just wanna get it done. The wall linings in the lobby outside the accessible toilet have been completed as well as the notice board wall in the wardroom. Plastering of the bathrooms has been held up but is now in full swing and looking good. Portal…
The vinyl flooring has been laid in the bathrooms including the accessible toilet where the piping and drainage has now been completed. We are experiencing a delay on completing the portal work. The issue is easy to solve but like everything at the moment “it just takes time.” As Stephen King once said “Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.” With the hold ups experienced over the last few weeks the project completion date has been extended until the end of next month. Everything possible is being done to make this happen. We might well be…
Its here! The star of the show and the main reason for all this strengthening and refurbishment kerfuffle has arrived at RPNYC. The long awaited and much talked about – STEEL PORTAL. Its amazing how an inanimate object can generate excitement during the working week. Yesterday the boys from Betteridge Engineering with their hiab lifted the portal in pieces down over the restaurant stairs to the concrete. Each piece was then trollied up into the wardroom before being bolted together. It was quite a show and a perfect day for moving large pieces of steel into tricky situations. 2…
Wild, wet, windy and wicked Wellington this week. Just the way we like it. The storm tides were not quite high enough to creep into the sheds. All sheddies in the marina are very happy about this. No soggy damage to our precious belongings. Dick Turpin made his presence felt on the project as there were a few hold ups on different things over the last few days. It’s been great to see such enthusiasm from our tradies. Of course, the location of RPNYC and a few nice days ensures they all want to be here at once. Managing the…
We will not be stopped! Crazy start to the week with boats coming loose from moorings in Clyde Quay, a piece of flashing on the Coenes deck bent and buckled in the squally southerly plus a Covid scare and an alert level change. The builders (being the good blokes they are) have ordered another flashing which is due to be fabricated next week and the boats were all sorted by late on the Monday. Hopefully the Covid bit will be sorted in the next few days. The weather this week has been more confused than the Indian batsmen trying…
A roller coaster week with all the essential ingredients of a good, fun building project. Things finished, things started, things put on hold, new things discovered, new things required, new regulations, and new words learned along the way. Who knew the word flitch even existed until this week? Some of the walls have been braced and completed after some additional engineering requirements were carried out. This has delayed things a few days but we can catch up easy enough with additional hammer hands on site from today. The plumbers will be finished the piping today in the women’s…
Its been an eventful week on the project and the weather has been much kinder to us all. The ground beam concrete is looking lovely and solid and ready for action. Â The steel fabricator has completed a final measure with the portal itself to be manufactured over the next couple of weeks. The plumber has made a welcome appearance over the last few days. The shiny, white, new bathroom piping is falling into place nicely with this expected to be completed next week in time for the planned plumbing inspection. The sparky has unravelled much of the spaghetti…