Notices of race and sailing instructions
- Two handed/classic yachts: Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions
- Fully crewed: Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions
You can enter here.
- #2: Blink v Titus Canby
Series: Fully Crewed
Date: 17 July 2016
Race: Race 3
Protest: Download protest formFacts found
- Blink was approaching the start line at the committee boat end, close hauled, on starboard tack, at approximately 7 kts.
- Titus Canby had luffed above close hauled, slightly to starboard and astern of the committee boat
- Titus Canby bore away and sailed astern of the committee boat at approximately 3kts, and then turned to windward, resulting in Titus Canby being overlapped to windward of Blink
- Blink’s crew reasonably believed that there would be contact with Titus Canby if they did not take avoiding action, and made ready to fend Titus Canby off
- Blink could have neither changed her course to leeward nor held her course without immediately making contact with Titus Canby
- Blink luffed to avoid contact with Titus Canby
Conclusion and rules that apply
Titus Canby breached rule 11 by failing to keep clear of Blink,
Titus Canby is disqualified
- #1: Whistler III v Incantare
Series: Fully Crewed
Date: 17 July 2016
Race: Race 3
Protest: Download protest formDecision
Protest withdrawn.
Notices to competitors
- #7 - Amendment to fully crewed NOR - start times
Amendment to NOR:
The time for the first warning signal for race day five and the reserve days is 1055.
This changes NOR paragraph 5.2.
This corrects a typographical error in the notice of race.
12 August 2016
- #6 - Classic Yacht course for 30 July 2016
Classic yacht course:
The course to be raced on Race Day 4, Saturday 30th July 2016 is as follows:
SR – 24p – 28p – FR
This course is issued as per Sailing Instruction 8.1. Please refer to the Sailing Instructions for mark descriptions.
The intention of this course is for all boats in the Classics Division to sail around Somes island, taking it to Port, and keeping clear of the Island and any associated hazards.
Mark 28 is a laid mark and Caniwi may be located in the general vicinity of the mark
28 July 2016
- #5 - Classic Yacht course for 16 July 2016
Classic yacht course:
The course to be raced on Race Day 3, Saturday 16th July 2016 is as follows:
SR – 10s – FR
This course is issued as per Sailing Instruction 8.1.
Please refer to the Sailing Instructions for mark descriptions.
14 July 2016
- #4 - Classic Yacht course for 2 July 2016
Classic yacht course:
The course to be raced on Race Day 2, Saturday 2nd July 2016 is as follows:
SR – 26s – FR
This course is issued as per Sailing Instruction 8.1.
Please refer to the Sailing Instructions for mark descriptions.
For the purposes of this Notice to Competitors, Mark ‘26’ is taken to mean “Sail around Somes Island”.
1 July 2016
- #3 - Classic Yacht course for 18 June 2016
Classic yacht course:
The course to be raced on Race Day 1, Saturday 18th June 2016 is as follows:
SR – 26s – 10s – FR
This course is issued as per Sailing Instruction 8.1.
Please refer to the Sailing Instructions for mark descriptions.
For the purposes of this Notice to Competitors, Mark ‘26’ is taken to mean “Sail around Somes Island”.
15 June 2016
- #2 - Multihull entries
Fully Crewed Series
NOR 3.1 is amended as follows:
The Regatta is open to all multihull and self-righting monohull yachts.
This change is made to allow multihull race entries.
14 June 2016
- #1 - Single race entries
Classics and 2-Handed PHRF Series
NOR 3.3 is amended as follows:
Yachts must enter on the RPNYC website not later than 60 minutes before the warning signal.
NOR 4.1d is inserted as follows:
The single-race fee shall be $20.00 per race
Fully Crewed Series
NOR 3.3 is amended as follows:
Yachts must enter on the RPNYC website not later than 60 minutes before the warning signal.
NOR 4.3 is inserted as follows:
The single-race fee shall be $20.00 per race.
This change is made to allow single race entries.
14 June 2016