How to enter
All entries this year will be online, through the website. Paper entries will not be accepted. This will make life easier for our volunteers and help keep our paperwork in good shape.
For most races, IRC and PHRF certificates will no longer be required (we will source handicap details online). If you have a valid certificate, you will receive a result. It is your responsibility to tell us if you are not racing in your PHRF/IRC configuration. You are still required to carry copies of your PHRF and IRC certificates on the boat, and we may still require a copy to be provided to us for the Port Nicholson Regatta and the Two-Handed Central Triangle Race.
For all Offshore Series and Coastal Series races (except the Fitzroy Bay race), you will be required to provide a crew list to us via the website. This will require each of your crew to register on the website, and provide some basic details about their sailing qualifications and experience. The normal offshore race paperwork (including the coastal voyage form) will no longer be required, as these will be generated from the information provided online.
Inshore racing
The Championship Series will be slightly shorter this year, comprising three series instead of four. The Christmas Series, will now be known as the Alan Martin Series, in honour of the Club’s late President, Alan Martin. The Sprint Series will no longer be part of the Championship Series.
Offshore series
The Offshore Series comprises five races, with provision for a reserve day.
A new concept of race, the “Latitude Race” will be run for the first time. This race will require you to sail a certain distance from Wellington before returning to the finish. If will be for you to decide where you sail. The distance will be decided shortly before the race depending on the weather conditions.
Coastal series
The Coastal Series combines the Cook Strait Classic, a feeder race for the Waikawa Regatta, and the Fitzroy Bay Race. You will also be able to enter these races individually (separate NORs will be issued soon).
The Fitzroy Bay race (30 January 2016) will be a 35 mile race starting at RPNYC, heading out to to a mark at Sinclair Head, to a mark in Fitzroy Bay, finishing at RPNYC.
Port Nicholson Regatta
The Port Nicholson Regatta will take place between 12-14 February 2016, with a briefing on 11 February 2016.